Kutatástámogatási tréningek
(Az oldal legutóbbi frissítése: 2025. január 15.)
Az alábbiakban az NKE kutatók érdeklődésére számot tartó adatbázishasználati bemutatók, publikálásmódszertani tréningek és és kutatástámogatási előadásokra szóló meghívók kerülnek megjelenítésre.
Exploring Advanced Features of Scopus AI, Cases, Q&A21 January 2025 (Tuesday) - 17.00 (online) Language: English We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar hosted by Kirill Ivanov, Customer Success Manager in Central and Eastern Europe. This session will focus on advanced use cases of Scopus AI, showcasing how it can make the use of other academic tools more efficient. Additionally, we will answer questions collected throughout the week following our first webinar, Unlock the Power of Scopus AI, as well as those asked live during the session. Join us to deepen your understanding of Scopus AI and learn how to maximise its potential to support your research efforts. Do not miss this opportunity to enhance your research capabilities further! |
Társadalomtudományi tartalom és bölcsészet kiaknázása a Web of Science Core Collectionben2025. január 29. (szerda) - 10.00 (online) Nyelv: magyar A Web of Science Core Collection a tudományok, a társadalomtudományok, valamint a művészeti és humán tudományok legjelentősebb folyóirataiban, könyveiben és konferenciaköteteiben található tudományos kutatási cikkek és azok közötti hivatkozási kapcsolatok gazdag gyűjteménye. Vegyen részt ezen a webináriumon, hogy megtudja, hogyan választjuk ki a társadalomtudományi, művészeti és humán tudományok forrásait, hogyan keresheti ezt a tartalmat és hogyan használhatja ki a hivatkozási kapcsolatokat a releváns szakirodalom feltásárására. |
Exploring open access publishing: Strategies for successful outcomes29 January 2025 (Wednesday) - 13.00 (online) Language: English Increasingly, researchers are interested in or required to publish their work as open access. While the publishing process is essentially the same, Open Access publishing can offer the opportunity for greater impact and a more transparent process. This session will examine the publishing process and how to increase the likelihood of your work being published. We will cover open access models, licensing, how to choose a journal and avoid predatory ones, manuscript preparation, the submission process, and how to navigate peer review. Participants will walk away with a good understanding of what they can expect during the publishing process. |
Promoting visibility and credibility through publishing31 January 2025 (Friday) - 16.00 (online) Language: English Discover the benefits to your business of publishing with Taylor & Francis. Companies that publish their research in well-regarded journals can increase the visibility of their innovations, attract potential partners, and enhance their credibility in the scientific community. In this webinar, Global Head of Publication Development, Jonathan Patience, will present some core tips on how to prepare your research for publication and share some examples of the impact publishing in peer-reviewed journals can have. |
How to Do Research and Get Published - Breakdown of Article Types12 February 2025 (Wednesday) - 17.00 (online) Language: English Are you overwhelmed by the multitude of article types offered by academic journals? Join us for an illuminating webinar as we demystify the diverse array of article types and empower researchers to select the most appropriate format for their scholarly work. In this webinar, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the various article types commonly published in academic journals. From original research articles and review papers to case studies and perspectives, we will explore the distinct characteristics of each article type, elucidating their purposes, structures, and target audiences. We will offer practical guidance on selecting the most appropriate article type based on the nature of your research, disciplinary norms, and target journal preferences. Hosted by Jessica Offenberger and Sean Scarisbrick and featuring prestigious guest speakers with a Q&A session, the webinar will provide essential guidance for anyone hoping to get published in an academic journal. |
Introduction to Open Research19 February 2025 (Wednesday) - 13.00 (online) Language: English Research funders, institutions and publishers are increasingly talking about Open Research. As a broad term which encourages accessibility, transparency and reproducibility of research and supporting information, Open Research includes the practices of sharing data, code, preprints, methods, or working in new ways such as Registered Reports. In this webinar, we will present the core tenets of open research and give relevant examples. There will be time for discussion and Q&A. |
How to Do Research and Get Published - How to write a manuscript12 March 2025 (Wednesday) - 16:00 (online) Language: English Are you ready to embark on the journey of crafting a compelling academic manuscript? Join us for an engaging webinar that will equip you with the essential skills and strategies to write and structure your manuscript effectively, from inception to submission. In this webinar, we will provide a comprehensive guide to academic manuscript writing, breaking down the process into manageable steps and offering practical tips to enhance clarity, coherence, and impact. Gain a clear understanding of the typical structure of academic manuscripts, including the introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. Learn how to organize your content logically to convey your research findings with precision and clarity. Hosted by Jessica Offenberger and Sean Scarisbrick and featuring prestigious guest speakers with a Q&A session, the webinar will provide essential guidance for anyone hoping to get published in an academic journal.
How to Do Research and Get Published - How to Write a Systematic Review9 April 2025 (Wednesday) - 17:00 (online) Language: English In this webinar, we will provide a step-by-step roadmap for crafting a comprehensive systematic review, from defining your research question to synthesizing and interpreting the findings. Gain a clear understanding of what constitutes a systematic review, its purpose, and its significance in evidence-based research. Learn how systematic reviews differ from other types of literature reviews and the importance of methodological rigor. Learn why developing a detailed protocol is essential for ensuring transparency, reproducibility, and methodological rigor in your systematic review. We will guide you through the key components of a systematic review protocol and provide tips for writing an effective protocol. We will also highlight searching and screening, data extraction, interpretation, and navigating challenges. |